
所有住宿学生在完成住宿时必须签署COVID-19附录 应用程序.


学生住房许可协议条款 & 条件 

This Addendum to the Student 住房 License Agreement is expressly incorporated into and supplements the Student 住房 License Agreement (“License”) terms and conditions 对脑血管意外 & CVB公寓,西装(CVC), CV2,乔韦斯特,和Washburn大厅. 在完成之前 并以电子方式签署本附录,请仔细阅读条款. 除了 as expressly stated herein, this Addendum does not alter any conditions or obligations 在许可证中. 本附录适用于整个学年,不适用 spring terms, or for such portion of the academic year as may remain at the time the 已签署许可和/或附录. 考虑到相互的盟约、承诺, and agreements contained herein, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, 被许可方同意如下条款:

I.               关于COVID-19的通知和确认

Licensee acknowledges that the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic is a worldwide risk 对人类健康. COVID-19是一种高度传染性疾病,很容易传播 呈指数增长,并可能导致严重疾病或死亡. 根据公共卫生 各组织、各年龄层的人都处于危险之中. 65岁以上及有潜在疾病者 卫生条件尤其脆弱.

An inherent risk of 接触COVID-19, or to any SARS-CoV-2 variant (hereinafter referred to collectively as “COVID-19”), exists in any shared or public space where 人们都在场,包括校园宿舍. 圣何塞州立大学已经采取了 and will continue to take various measures to address the health and safety of individuals 住在校内宿舍. 然而,这些措施并不能消除风险 接触COVID-19. 因此,返校接受面对面教学的学生 自愿住在校内宿舍的人将面临被感染的风险 并可能感染COVID-19.  

To minimize the risk to Licensee and others in on-campus housing, Licensee hereby 确认并同意:

  1. Licensee understands that, although 圣何塞州立大学已经采取了 and will continue to take various measures to protect against exposure in accordance with federal, state and local health authorities’ mandates and guidelines, those measures will not eliminate 因此,暴露于COVID-19的风险仍将存在.
  2. By assuming occupancy, Licensee certifies that, to the best of Licensee’s knowledge, 被许可方未感染COVID-19. 
  3. By assuming occupancy, Licensee certifies that Licensee is not experiencing symptoms 与COVID-19相关.  症状可能包括,但不限于,丧失 taste or smell, fever, severe headaches, severe fatigue or body/muscle aches, unusual gastrointestinal distress, and/or signs of respiratory illness, such as a dry cough, 呼吸短促或呼吸困难.
  4. By assuming occupancy, Licensee certifies that, to the best of Licensee’s knowledge, within the immediately preceding 14 days of initially assuming occupancy, Licensee 没有个人或密切接触(在6英尺内共15 ? (1分钟或更长时间).
  5. Licensee understands and agrees that the exclusive purpose for which San José State University is providing voluntary housing is to enable Licensee to complete and/or 参加校园教育项目,但参加住房是 被许可方在自愿的基础上进行的,而非被要求的. 主动访问 或允许进入校园住房可能会使被许可方或其他人暴露于COVID-19.

II.            校园进入权  

In addition to the conditions and situations outlined 在许可证中 Agreement, Licensee must leave the licensed premises to which Licensee is assigned as reasonably requested 在健康和安全检查,保管服务,维护维修,或 any other inspection in order to practice safe physical distancing and reduce risk of 接触COVID-19 (or other infectious diseases) or when entry to the licensed 在圣何塞州立大学的代表的法律要求下,必须要有房子.  

3.          COVID-19防备 

In addition to any item(s) that Licensee is required to maintain under the License Agreement, Licensee is required to procure and maintain the following healthcare supplies 以及个人防护装备,以便这些物资能够获得 被许可人在校期间和在校住房内居住时:

  1. 洗手液(酒精含量至少70%);
  2. Appropriate face coverings, as defined by state and local health authorities, and the University; and  
  3. 一个温度计. 

IV.         COVID-19入住要求 

  1. 被许可方同意 to comply with the directives, policies, and orders of San José State University and the Board of Trustees of the California State University (collectively, (“大学”),以及与COVID-19相关的州和地方卫生当局 may be amended from 在本许可证有效期内不时地 and Addendum, including, 但不限于,所有要求的防护口罩/面罩,社会 保持距离、检测、隔离、检疫和免疫.  
  2. 被许可方同意 to comply with all applicable federal, state, and local public health laws, regulations, orders, and guidance related to COVID-19, as may be amended from 在本许可证有效期内不时地.  
  3. 被许可方同意 to comply with any COVID-19 testing protocols that may be required by the University and to reasonably cooperate with the University in discharging Licensee’s 本节规定的义务.
  4. Licensee understands and agrees that COVID-19 immunization is required by the University 作为入住条件,在入住持牌处所之前.  被许可方同意 在规定的时间内提供大学的疫苗接种证明 按照大学要求的方式.   

V.         确诊阳性或接触COVID-19

  1. In the event that Licensee develops COVID-19 symptoms, tests positive for COVID-19, and/or is exposed to some一个 known or believed to be infected with COVID-19, Licensee will notify [Student Health Services] in compliance with the notification protocols outlined on the University’s COVID-19 webpage, found at the 菠菜网lol正规平台 Health Advisories Report A Case webpage Notwithstanding any other term or communication, Licensee must report a positive COVID-19 test result to [Student Health Services] through the [Student Health Services] online reporting system as outlined at 菠菜网lol正规平台 Health Advisories Report A Case immediately upon receipt of the test result and no later than two (2) hours 收到测试结果后. 
  2. If Licensee tests positive for COVID-19, 被许可方同意 to be moved into an isolation 大学选择的单位.  此外,被许可方同意不亲自出席 classes or activities or to visit other on-campus facilities (including, but not limited to, dining halls) or to end isolation until Licensee has satisfied, in the University’s determination, all applicable federal, state, and local public health criteria for 由于隔离.
  3. Licensee acknowledges and agrees that a medical authority, which may be Student Health 服务或其他医疗机构批准的大学,将决定是否 被许可方可以在校园内指定的隔离单元进行自我隔离,或者如果被许可方 must be referred to an off-campus healthcare facility, depending on the severity of 被许可人的症状.  被许可方同意配合学生发出的任何指示 Health Services or by a medical authority approved by the University under this section.  
  4. Failure to comply with the terms and conditions of this COVID-19附录 to License Agreement may result in the termination of the License Agreement, removal from Student 住房和/或纪律处分,根据CSU行政命令1098.