
史密斯卡洛斯雕像The 体育运动心理学 program, housed within the 运动学系, features a balance between the research and applied domains, and offers a high degree of flexibility that allows undergraduate and masters-level students to customize their studies to 满足他们的个性化需求. 无论你的目标是成为一个更好的教练,还是继续 完成博士学位.D., 菠菜网lol正规平台的运动心理学课程将帮助你为成功做好准备.


坐在图书馆膝上放着笔记本电脑的女人体育运动心理学 has strong roots at 菠菜网lol正规平台, dating back to the 1940s when Dorthy Hazeltine Yates started a class for aviators and athletes called "Psychology of Adjustment" in 1942. Interestingly, particularly for that time period, she also worked with high-level boxers on relaxation techniques and other forms of basic psychological skills training! 体育运动心理学 continued to be a major presence at San Jose State through the influential 已故博士的工作. Bruce Ogilvie,通常被称为North的祖父 美国运动心理学博士. 汤姆·图特科,他开始与运动员合作 1960s. They later authored the classic text entitled, "Problem athletes and how to handle them," and their research laid the groundwork for future researchers and practiti一个rs.

Currently, the 体育运动心理学 program maintains a strong interdisciplinary focus, so that students have the freedom to draw from various disciplines both within and 运动机能学之外. 例如,研究生已经从 Sport Sociology, Cultural Studies, Women's Studies, 运动生理学, Cognitive 心理学和教练/教育学. 我们的学生来自不同的国家 of cultural and academic backgrounds, and past masters degree recipients have g一个 on to successfully pursue doctoral degrees, as well as work in teaching, coaching 私营企业. 最后,研究生现在有机会指挥 research in the newly created 运动学系 Qualitative Research Lab, which is equipped with a variety of data collection and analysis materials.

In short, the nationally recognized faculty in the 体育运动心理学 program share a passion for both research and teaching, and look forward to helping both undergraduate and graduate students achieve their personal and academic goals, whatever they may be.


Dr. 西奥多Butryn 泰德·布特林博士.D.

杰西卡的下巴 杰西卡的下巴博士.D.

马修Masucci 马修·马苏奇博士.D.

Dr. 他玛Semerjian 他玛Semerjian博士.D.


Dr. 泰德米. Butryn

  • B.S. in Human Performance (体育运动心理学), University of Tennessee (1993)
  • M.A. in Kinesiology (emphasis: 体育运动心理学), San Jose State University (1997)
  • Ph.D. 文化研究 & 田纳西大学运动心理学(2000)

I currently teach and conduct research in both applied sport psychology and critical 体育社会学. 我教各种各样的课程,包括研究生的研究课程 methods (qualitative emphasis) and 体育社会学, and undergraduate courses in psychology 包括教练,多样性,压力,健康,以及体育社会学. 我最近的研究 areas in sport psychology involve the intersection of applied sport psychology and critical 体育社会学 and cultural studies, athletes' use of music in sport, and I am currently finishing a study on college football players' experiences of friendships. Within the domain of sport and culture, my main emphasis is on the application of cyborg theory to sport, and the cultural meanings of professional wrestling. 我最近 publications have appeared in The Sport Psychologist, Sociology of Sport Journal, Journal of Sport and Social Issues, Journal of Sport Behavior, and Research in Philosophy 和技术. 最后,我还咨询过几个项目的运动员,包括 men's and women's cross-country, football, men's golf, men's judo, women's water polo, 女子足球. 在我的职业生涯之外,我是1991年NCAA的一员 championship track and field team at Tennessee, and continue to pursue both competitive 以及休闲体育活动.

Dr. 大卫·米. 下班

  • B.A. 旧金山州立大学心理学博士(1969年)
  • M.A. in Physical 教育 (concentration:体育运动心理学), UC Davis (1972)
  • Ph.D. in Physical 教育 (concentration:体育运动心理学), Penn State (1981)
  • M.Ed. 宾夕法尼亚州立大学咨询教育专业(1982年)

I currently teach a graduate course in sport psychology and research methods, and undergraduate courses in sport psychology, 体育社会学, and stress management. My primary areas of research interests include endurance athletes, attentional focus, 意识状态的改变. 我的研究成果发表在《lol菠菜网正规平台》上 of 运动与运动心理学, the British Journal of Social Psychology, Journal of Sport Behavior, the Journal of Clinical Psychology, and Psychological Reports. Currently, I am an Associate Editor for Perceptual and Motor Skills and the Journal of Sport Behavior, and I also review textbooks for numerous publishers. 我指导过的人 both masters and doctoral students at three different universities, and 一个 of my doctoral students won the university wide award for the best dissertation of the year. 我的学生都去读博士了.D.,或者在教学、教练、 或者私营企业. 在学习之余,我还是一名优秀的长跑运动员 40多年来. 成就包括在我的职业生涯中跑出美国最快的5公里 age group in 1991, and winning the National Cross Country Championships in the seniors 1996年的分部.

Dr. 马修一个. Masucci

  • B.A. 通识教育(哲学 & 心理学),索尔兹伯里大学,MD
  • M.A. 俄亥俄大学哲学博士
  • Ph.D. 体育的社会/文化基础 & 田纳西大学文化研究专业

In my role as the Interdisciplinary Specialist in 运动的研究, I teach a variety 当然包括美国的体育,多样性,压力, & 健康也好,毕业也好 研究方法的重点是定性方法. 总的来说,我的研究 is interdisciplinary and involves the intersection of cultural studies, critical sport 学习、哲学和社会学. 我的工作主要集中在这个交叉点上 of sport and narrative and the implications on both identity and moral choice making. My research has been published in the Journal of Sport and Social Issues, among others and I have recently presented research on the Tour de France and seven time Tour winner 兰斯·阿姆斯特朗在国际会议上. 在体育研究领域,我是 currently working on a critical, historical and political analysis of Mixed Martial 艺术的战斗. 我参与了几个运动心理学的硕士论文 I welcome the opportunity to bring my disciplinary perspective to our student's work. Beyond my scholarly activities, I enjoy participating in a host of outdoor activities 包括跑步、远足和露营. 此外,我一直是一名竞技自行车运动员 (road, track and mountain bike) for the better part of 20 years and still compete 偶尔在多项运动和自行车比赛中.